Sunday, September 16, 2012


                         ABOUT  THE AUTHOR

E.L.James  is a British television executive.  Her Shades of Gray was self- published  at first, but was soon picked up by Vintage Books and the sales on e-books alone are over 250,000. 750,000 came out in April.

                  WHAT IS THE BOOK ABOUT ?

Sex!  Christian Gray is a handsome billionaire who seduces a naive young college graduate with bondage and whips.  The setting for all this erotica takes place between Seattle, Washington and Portland, Oregon.

                   WHAT DO I THINK OF THE BOOK?

I don't believe in banning books or burning books, but I would band or burn this trash in the blink of an eye.  I had no idea what kind of book it was when I spent my good money for it.  I just knew I was on the New York Times best seller list and everyone was talking about it.

You might say, "why did you read the whole book?"
My answer is, I tried to find some saving grace in all of this,but unfortunately I couldn't find any.

In the first place. who wants to read intimate details about every movement of intercourse?  If the sex scenes were taken out of the book, there may be one or even two chapters to the entire book. Any adult and most young people know all the details, why do they have to read this boring refrain?    With few changes, the entire book has the same sex scenes in various locations.  It is so boring.  And, each time the author keeps us informed that Christan takes out a condom, we hear the sound of the paper as he removes it.  Come on, who needs all these boring details?  I think if your sex life is so pitiful that you need to read this garbage, then you need to see a Doctor ...join a group discussion and find out why you need to read this junk.

We all know why the author wrote it>  Sex sells and sales mean MONEY!

It concerns me that children might get their hands on this trash,.  What an awful way to read about something that God initiated?  Sex was to be a wonderful thing between two people who loved each other.  This book would certainly give kids a different point of view.

As far as characters go, poor Christan might have the looks and the money, but he certainly has a limited vocabulary.  The F word seems to be almost the only word he knows. Poor guy, sorry  he's so illiterate.

And Ana, well, she is the typical stereotype of the dumb blond.  How could she let him abuse her and think maybe she could like it may make him love her.  Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzz.  

What do I think of the author's style of writing?    For a woman who must be very intelligent, I can't believe she would even pretend to have written a book.  She wrote what she knew about sex,,,,then she was stumped.  Where was the story?  Well, she just kept repeating with slight variations the same thing over and over until she reached the end.  And believe it or not, this is only the first book of a trilogy.  Would you waste your time reading this and spend your good money to buy it?

What a shame.  With all the millions of great books there are to read, why does anyone waste their time reading this trash?

I have a lot more to tell you about the  result of third book, but I think this is enough for one day.  Will finish tomorrow.

If you agree with me about this kind of book please post it on your face book.Thank you so much.

Until next time,
Be Kind to One Another.



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