Saturday, August 4, 2012


Well, I have had my last shot in my right eye for the time being.  This is the eye that is Wet Muscular Degeneration.  The shots are the same ones given for colon cancer.  I don't know how they figured that one out, but it works.  I won't see any better, but it, at least for now, wont get any worse.

Now for my left eye,  The dry MD.  This has been my good eye, but now the retina is thinning and there is no cure for it.  If a cure isn't found I will go blind in that eye.  The Dr. tells me there are three studies, the first one now in progress.  He said when they start a second study he will try to get me ion.  Pray that they can find something to stop people from going blind. 

I don't want to be blind.  There are so many wonderful things to see:  your family and friends, the beauties of nature, books to read, painting to do, etc.  I don't think I will be completely blind in my right eye so that is encouraging. 

Take care of your eyes, and see all the beauty each day as you open your eyes to the beauty around you. As John O' Donohue says in his poem, "May the light of dawn anoint your eyes, that you may behold what a miracle a day is. "

Until next time,
Be Kind to One another

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