Friday, December 28, 2012

End of Year Thoughts

This has been a strange year.  I have had a number of physical changes....only letting me know I am getting o...l....d...   I also  had a few surprises that explained things to me, and I think I have grown...not only weight wise, but in understanding some things that never made sense to me before. 

The biggest surprise I had was in a letter my sister wrote to me.  At the end she said she loved me, but sometimes she didn't like me.  I  thought      that was odd.  I sometimes don't like the things shes says  or doesn't say, but I still like her.  However, this has cleared up why she ignores me and my ideas.  If someone doesn't like you, they probably wouldn't like anything you do or say.  Water under the bridge.  Hope writing the letter made her feel better.

A lot of bad storms have occurred over the year,...a lot  of people lost their homes and some lost their lives..Pray for them everyday.

A lot of murders , but none as horrible as the shooting of a classroom full of first graders and 6 adults.  The shooter began by killing his mother before he went to the school.  What a sick, sick mind....Only God can understand this and I am sure He is not very happy about it.

I have also had some great days during 2012 In touch with many of my former students.  Learned what their lives are and what they have been doing.  Some have become friends who have brought love into my life.  Also, friends from church that I didn't really get to know until I met them on face book. 

We had one of the best summers I can remember and I have lived here since 1964
 It was sunny, not too hot, no rain, and everything in bloom....God's beautiful world. 

I have become more understanding of peoples problems, hence I am able to forgive some of the things they do and say.  I am accepting more people and try not to judge them.  People with very narrow views have always bothered me, but now I realize they are just doing the best that they know how and as they learn more they will do better.

I am thankful for all my blessings.....for my son who helps me all he can, to the fact that even though I physically can'
t do the things I used to do, I still have a mind that is sharp.....what a big blessing that is.

I think in many ways this post may sound negative, but really life has opened up to me since I am able to understand people better. 

I am going to start a new Post on New Years Day called  NEW BEGINNINGS.  After all, each day brings a new beginning, a time to try to do the best we can in this old world.  Until then,

Be Kind to One Another

Joyce 12/28/12

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